MinSocWA Committee members for 2024–2025*

PatronMark Creasy
PresidentPeter Willemspresident@minsocwa.org.au
Vice PresidentJames Sherbourne
SecretaryAngela Rigantisecretary@minsocwa.org.au0431 603 165
TreasurerVinodaarshini Vigneswarantreasurer@minsocwa.org.au
Fieldtrip Coordinatorfieldtrips@minsocwa.org.au
Newsletter EditorWendy Hamptonnewsletter@minsocwa.org.au
Committee MemberJohn Mill
Committee MemberNicolas Hébert
Committee MemberNiels Dahl
Committee MemberSusan Stocklmayer

*Committee members are elected annually at the AGM held within 3 months from the end of the financial year (i.e. between July and September each year)

Other Society’s contacts

LibrarianJohn Mill 
Simpson’s WA update projectVernon Stocklmayer, Susan Stocklmayer, Angela RigantisimpsonWA@minsocwa.org.au
PGMS CoordinatorPeter WillemsPGMS@minsocwa.org.au
PGMS vendor informationPGMS_vendors@minsocwa.org.au
2027 Seminar CoordinatorVacant 

Postal Address

66 Chessell Drive, DUNCRAIG, WA 6023