The Mineralogical Society of WA (MinSocWA) promotes the collection, study and preservation of Western Australian minerals and the documentation of the State’s mineralogical sites.
The Society periodically organises excursions to sites of interest within Western Australia for its financial members. These trips last from one to several days and can be a lot of fun.
Material collected on these trips can yield unusual or rare minerals, or minerals previously unrecorded from the locality visited. This helps in documenting the mineralogical heritage of Western Australia and preserve it for future generations.
Please note: fossicking and prospecting activities in Western Australia are regulated by the Mining Act 1978. Visit the Department of Mines, Safety and Industry Regulation (DMIRS) Prospectors & fossickers webpage the find out more.
In order to take part in the Society’s field excursions, members must have a Miner’s Right permit. This is available for a small fee (AUD 29.50 as of January 2025) from DMIRS and once obtained last for your lifetime. Visit DMIRS’ Miner’s Rights webpage to find out how to obtain one and the conditions associated with it.
The Society takes care of organising the necessary access permits for its excursions, except for individual Miner’s Rights — these are the responsibility of each member and must be obtained before attending the first excursion.
Safety considerations are paramount. Sites visited during the Society outings may include both abandoned and working mines and quarries, either on private or Crown land. The Society’s has Public Liability Insurance Cover for field and indoor meetings, which only covers financial members. Please note that Personal Accident cover and Personal Liability cover remain the responsibility of individual participants.
Field Trip Officers are experienced collectors and usually have undertaken first aid training. They operate under the guidelines set out by MinSocWA and owners/managers of sites and tenements visited. Field Trip Officers have ultimate control of any trip and their instructions must be obeyed. Failure to do so can result in expulsion from the site.
Please read the documents below to find out more.
Field trip behaviour | Use this document to familiarize yourself with field trips etiquette, safety considerations and insurance requirements – file under review |
Guidelines to planning field trips | These are recommended guidelines to consider when organizing a field trip – file under review |
Convoy procedures | Guidelines on how to travel in a convoy – file under review |