Membership of the Mineralogical Society WA (MinSocWA) is open to anyone with an interest in minerals, mineralogy, fossils, gems, geology and related topics. Amateurs and earth science professionals alike are welcome, as are students, junior members and simply anyone with a desire to learn more about minerals — no prior knowledge of mineralogy is required. Membership must be ratified by the Committee.

Please complete the form via the link below and deposit the relevant membership fee into MinSocWA’s bank account (details below), and email your application to

Or hand your completed and signed application form to the Membership Secretary/Treasurer/Secretary, with payment, on a meeting night.

MinSocWA membership year is 1 July to 30 June. If membership is paid after 1st January, membership will extend to 30th June of the following year.

Once your membership application is approved by the Committee, you will be sent a Welcome email with details about the Society and membership entitlements, and you will officially become a member. Should your membership be declined, you will receive a full refund.


Annual Membership fees

Ordinary member      AUD 35.00

Junior member           AUD 15.00

Spousal member        AUD 60.00 per couple. If your spouse is already a current financial member, additional membership fee is $25.00.


Join as New Member             Application Form


Renew Annual Membership Online or in person at a meeting night

For membership renewals, an early-bird discount of $5 ($10 for spousal) is applicable if paid by 30th June.

Pay your annual renewal fee to the Commonwealth Bank:

Account : Mineralogical Society of WA Inc.
BSB : 066 124
Account : 10168786


Do not forget to put YOUR NAME and PHONE NUMBER in the transaction reference.